World Trade Center Madero

World Trade Center Buenos Aires opera bajo los ideales de World Trade Center Association con el firme propósito de promover el comercio internacional.

About Project

World Trade Center Buenos Aires operates under the ideals of the World Trade Center Association with the firm purpose of promoting international trade and fostering investment opportunities. Since its creation in 1969, this renowned brand has expanded worldwide, aiming to create a collaborative environment among all units to work synergistically. Today, it stands as the largest and most powerful business platform with a presence in 322 cities and 89 countries around the world.

Los WTCs son múltiples eslabones que conforman una gran cadena de oportunidades. Son lugares de encuentro, destinos donde las personas se reúnen para discutir ideas, crear vínculos y forjar la base para hacer negocios juntos.

The World Trade Center Buenos Aires business center is located in Madero Harbour and comprises 4 towers, one of which features a heliport.

WTC I & II: Two AAA office towers, each with 20 floors, offering units ranging from 140m² to 650m².

WTC III & IV: Two AAA office buildings, each with 7 floors, offering units...

desde 270m2 y 420m2.

More than 60 international companies and two embassies have chosen the establishment to develop their commercial activities worldwide.